Rector Search

Where we’re at in the process: We have the co-chairs for our Search Committee! See below for the latest updates.

12/1 Update: The church met with Rev. Andrea Mysen. The link to view the talk is linked above. It was nice to have Rev. Andrea, Canon for the Ordinary, here to talk with us. In Episcopal speak, “Ordinary” is the Diocesan Bishop. Please reach out to Laura Singer or Rich Gage or our vestry if you have any questions after watching the video. (Yes, it is LONG)

11/17 update: The Vestry named Rich Gage and Laura Singer as co-chairs of the Rector Search committee.

Next steps: The Vestry and the Search Committee co-chairs, Rich Gage and Laura Singer, will be meeting with our diocesan transition minister at the Nov. 20, 2024 Vestry meeting at 7:15 p.m. Due to time limitations, Rev. Andrea Mysen will be visiting with St. John’s after the 8am and 10am services on 12/1. (The post 10am session will be recorded and posted via YouTube up top.)

The Vestry and Co-chairs will meet again in December to plan and develop the self-nominating process for the St. John’s Search Committee.

For questions or more information, please contact Rich Gage at or Laura Singer at

In the meantime, please pray with us:

God, please help us set aside
Everything we think we know about You,
Everything we think we know about ourselves,
Everything we think we know about others,
And everything we think we know about
St. John’s, so we may have open minds
And new experiences with these
Things and come to know You
Better. Please help us see the truth.